Monday, 6 October 2014

The Matrix and The Mind

The Matrix and The Mind

You're a dream. Like everything else. 

 - Kelly CreaghNevermore

We think this world is real. We believe it, because we observe things and feel it. And we are trained from childhood to do so. But do you observe the way 'actually' as it is or is there any other side to the coin of reality. 

Lets take a look to our capability of observation. We see through eyes but we cant see below infrared or beyond ultraviolet light (which can be seen by snake and bat), even we cant see too nearer or  objects at large distance neither very small things microorganisms. Then how to trust on the eyes. Similarly our other senses also has limitations like ears cant listen too high or too low frequency sound. Then how you think you observe it correctly.

The tiniest particles of matter are not fixed to a place or time as Quantum Physics states. A particle cane be anywhere at any time or can be at several places at the same time. 


 How to succeed, what is the source of all might in human? Its desire. Yes it is the strongest force. And its creator the mind (‘mana’ in Sanskrit) is the controller of human life. All humans in the world are nearly same physically but what makes one successful and another unsuccessful. What is the major key difference between the winner and loser- is there different desire. Yes both want success but deep inside winner desire only success at any cost and looser desire success also comfort also enjoyment, and his mind is diverted to so many other desires. Whereas working hard for success itself is the enjoyment for winner.

Many animals have better capabilities than humans. Apes are stronger and skilled. Dolphins are smarter. But what makes human better is that they can consciously choose their goal and define the destiny only humans has the power to manipulate there mental operating system. If you understand this you will definitely be successful and achieve anything. This is what makes the difference between a leader and a follower. One more important thing is struggle and pains are just feelings and can be replaced if we are in pursuit of our goal.

When we are child we have very small desires and we are happy. As we grow our desires also grow and we become more and more unhappy and unsatisfied. The world is not what you think. When you know it you will get your natural happiness!

Human body is most powerful in the world it can fail animals and machines. Every human has incredible capabilities. But it’s locked in the levels of consciousness. This thing ‘consciousness’ science still does not understand. But consciousness always plays vital role in the advancement of science.
                Our body is like a super machine having lots of sensors, tools and hardware and heavy electricity supply available. But the Operating system of the body is out dated and without any driver for the hardware. 

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